Bringing it All Together: Overarching Activities
Activity 9:
Text resources:
Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World, by Susan Hood, illustrated by Sophie Blackall
Child of the Civil Rights Movement, by Paula Young Shelton, illustrated by Raul Colón
Standard JU.K-2.12: I know when people are treated unfairly.
Standard JU.K-2.14: I know that life is easier for some people and harder for others and the reasons for that are not always fair.
Activity: Students reflect on these two books (as well as the rest of the information they’ve learned from this unit), and write a reflection. Each student would fill out a worksheet answering the questions “how do social justice issues impact kids?” and “why is it important for kids to be involved in working toward a more equitable society?” These reflections would then be combined into a bulletin board display in the hallways of the school, for other grades and classes to read.
Activity 10 (taking action):
Text resources: all previously used resources
Standard: AC.K-2.16 I care about those who are treated unfairly.
Standard: AC.K-2.19 I will speak up or do something if people are being unfair, even if my friends do not.
Activity: As a class, students write a “class constitution” incorporating rights that have been talked about through the other text set activities. Have a class discussion about ways to treat others fairly and speak up for others when they are being treated unfairly. Then, have every student sign the bottom of the class constitution saying they will promise to uphold these values.
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